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Miniature Brushes

Under $5
$5 - $9.99
$10 - $14.99
$15 - $19.99
$20 - $24.99
$25 & Above
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Miniature Brushes

Miniature brushes are useful in a broad array of applications, such as:

  • Cleaning
  • Polishing
  • Finishing
  • Deburring
  • And more

Gordon Brush offers an assortment of top quality micro brushes, manufactured from the finest materials and designed for superior performance in any application.

Our miniature brushes are available in a variety of styles and configurations; with natural, synthetic, or wire bristles; and with metal or plastic handles. Our large, in-stock inventory makes it easy to find the ideal micro brush for your unique application.

Micro Spiral Brushes >

Micro spiral brushes help with the small-but-important jobs. For thread cleaning, deburring, edge blending and more, these tiny brushes work very effectively. Our catalog includes three types of micro brushes: Abrasive Micro Spiral Brushes, Micro Spiral Miniature Brushes and Thread Cleaning Brushes. All of these brushes are available with a wide range of brush diameters; we guarantee you’ll find the right-size brush for your application.

Miniature Applicator Brushes >

Gordon Brush offers a broad selection of mini applicator brushes. Our catalog includes horsehair brushes, brass brushes, nylon brushes and everything in between. Stainless steel applicator brushes have excellent chemical resistance and stand up to tough jobs. 

Miniature Artist Brushes >

Create fine details with precision that meets your high artistic standards. Our selection includes miniature artist brushes for blending water colors, stenciling and painting on silk. These brushes are available in a broad range of sizes and lengths. 

Miniature Flow Thru Brushes >

For controlled application of glues, paints, dyes, solvents and other liquids, mini flow thru brushes are the optimal solution. Gordon Brush stocks mini flow thru brushes in several different styles with high-quality fill materials such as nylon, camel, and red sable. 

Miniature Instrument Cleaning Brushes >

These brushes are ideal for cleaning in tight spaces. Many of the mini instrument cleaning brushes in our catalog are static dissipative, which means they are safe to use with electronics. Choose Nylon, horse hair, hog bristle or stainless steel brushes. 

Miniature Paddle Brushes >

Clean and polish blind threaded holes, tubes and cylinders with miniature paddle brushes. The bristles are made with stainless or carbon steel and are designed to minimize flexing. Brush holders help extend the length of the brush so you can clean those hard-to-reach spaces. 

Miniature Vacuum Brush >

Cleaning the crevices on a keyboard or removing dust from data ports require a tool that’s small enough for the job. Miniature vacuum brushes clean in areas that larger vacuum brushes simply can’t fit into. Our miniature vacuum brushes feature ¼” trim length and ¼” inlet diameter.